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The Saint Constantine School


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Support Saint Constantine

Young Children Playing in a Stick Fort

A new school needs a lot of support to get underway. Your financial partnership with The Saint Constantine School of Pittsburgh will bear fruit for generations, as those who benefit from a classical, Christian education will have an impact on their own families, communities, and workplaces. Will you join us today in providing an intellectually and spiritually rich education to students of all ages and backgrounds? No gift is too small. We are so very grateful for your kind and generous support. 

Opportunities to Support

At The Saint Constantine School, there are a variety of ways you can support students. Whether through scholarships, events, capital or annual operational giving, contributions to The Saint Constantine School of Pittsburgh are tax-deductible according to IRS guidelines and can be made using cash, check, and credit card. 

Donations made to the Pittsburgh campus are 100% designated as funds to be used in Pittsburgh. You can rest assured that your gift today will be used to make a difference in the lives of your Pittsburgh community!

Become a Monthly Supporter

Ongoing and consistent support enables TSCS to set accurate budget projections and enables strategic growth.

Click here to start your monthly support by filling out a simple form online. It's fast and easy! 

Donation Portal

Support by Check

Giving by check enables TSCS to receive the full amount of the gift, without paying processing fees. Please make checks payable to The Saint Constantine School Pittsburgh and send to:

The Saint Constantine School
5233 Bellaire Blvd., #B435
Bellaire, TX, 77401


Smiling Student
Student Scholarship Funds

A founding principle of The Saint Constantine School is that no child, so far as it is within our power, should be turned away from our classrooms due to the cost of their tuition. Raising funds for student scholarships has always been a part of our annual work, and it always will be.


Donation Portal

Contact us for other creative ways to support TSCS
  • Company matching programs
  • Planned giving
  • Named Endowments
  • Named Scholarships
  • Stocks, bonds, annuities, bitcoin
  • Gifts In-Kind, property, auction items
Let's Chat!

My name is Andrew Fournaridis. I am Director of Development for The Saint Constantine School in Pittsburgh. I would love to get to know you and answer any of your questions. 

Please reach out: