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Travel Abroad

Pittsburgh is a city rich in history and modern influence — but the scope of Pittsburgh alone could not possibly contain all that a global education has to offer. That is why our students have the opportunity to travel outside of our city and country with TSCS faculty.

Through travel, students learn to deeply appreciate the places and cultures that have produced much of history’s finest contributions to human flourishing.

While the cost for these trips is outside our regular tuition rate, we believe that such experiences are formative to students grappling with the expanse of the world we live in, and encourage students to attend if circumstances allow.

We encourage families with children of all ages to participate in these trips together. Students 6th-8th grade are eligible for travel if accompanied by an adult family member. High school students may travel unaccompanied.

International Travel with TSCS

We value wisdom and experiences that can be found in every corner of the globe. To expose our students to the vast array of God’s truth, we are committed to giving our students the opportunity to travel abroad as part of our community of learners.

Current students and their parents travel with the guidance of our experienced faculty, paired with the expertise of a professional tour guide. With private chartered buses, professional guides fluent in the local language, and included meals, students can navigate foreign countries with relative ease, allowing them to focus on getting the most out of their trip. The international tours occur on a rotating basis, meaning that students will have multiple options for travel outside the United States during their time at Saint Constantine.