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Open Events

Great Books Series

Saint Constantine is a community of learners, and it's a key value of the school to provide opportunities for deep thought and discussion for students, parents, and other adults of all ages. 

On the second or third Thursday of each month during the academic year, TSCS faculty will give lectures and provide time for discussion based around a Great Text of the classical tradition. 

These events are free and always open to the public, and take place at 7pm at our school campus. (GPS address: 1515 Quail Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA)

Upcoming Dates:

April 18 - CS Lewis famously diagnosed our society as suffering from "men without chests", and worried that this could bring about the "abolition of man." Join us for our monthly Great Books discussion where we will be looking at the first section of Lewis' Abolition of Man and the Platonic picture of the human person from which Lewis' famous diagnosis is derived.  

Visit Our Campus

April 13 | 10-12pm -- Campus Open House

Register here

April 20 | 2:00pm -- High School Symposium

The systems of education are so often stressful, confusing, and chaotic to young adults. For many students, schools consume their life and the looming prospect of college sets their agenda. The Saint Constantine School of Pittsburgh invites a limited number of High Schoolers to join an afternoon symposium where we look at what education is, was, and can be. Join us, Saturday, April 20th, as Head of School Jesse Cone presents a portrait of our educational history and our current options, before leading a small, Socratic discussion on Plato's Symposium. Seating is limited, so please register here